Sunday, September 7, 2008

Utah State Fair

Our Family went to the Utah State Fair over the weekend and had a blast. I think we will try to go again before it is over. We got some really cute pictures of our little Ally. She had a great time, she was so good. The weather was perfect and that always helps. We have to do family activities like this now that we have Ally. The top picture is of Ally getting ready to go into the little farmers market type thing. But it would have been a little better for Ally if she were a little older. The next picture is of us in the goat area. We were able to pet them, even though daddy was really "paranoid" about us touching them. (I still did it) They had all kinds of animals there from little ponies to big horses, to dairy cows to beef cows to sheep to pigs and so on and so on.... They had a lot of different little flea market type booths. I decided to get a temporary tattoo on my ankle. I wanted to see what it would look like for my permanent one. (soon to come, hopefully). We ate great food, and Cody got his funnel cake. He had been wanting one for years now. We keep seeing it on the food network and I swear he starts drooling. But we are going back so that he can get his deep fried PB&J sandwiches. He is so funny. We really enjoy doing things like this now that we have a little baby girl who is curious about everything. She is quite the socialite. And everyone who sees her has to stop and talk to her. She loves it. I am such a proud momma. I am so lucky......................................

1 comment:

Pat said...

That is so cool. Blayne and I haven't been since we were dating. Blayne pick a fight with a guy who came and stood in in my way so I couldn't see the man fly with jet packs on his back. I haven't let him go since because he is very protective of his wife. I'm surprised Cody didn't get in a fight. Ally is so cute,we miss seeing her. I will have to come up and do lunch and play. I have to get knee surgery soon because I am having a hard time walking. It just doesn't make me happy to think about it. I just keep thinking it will go away if I don't worry about it. I haven't had much luck with that.