Thursday, July 10, 2008

What We Have Been Up To....

Well I had to take advantage of this shot of Ally reading to Kramer. Kramer is so in love with his little sis, he has to know what she is doing and where she is all the time. She is also picking up the solid foods now. If you can call Rice cereal and mashed up veggies and fruits solids. But she took to the Rice cereal the first try and is learning to hold her own spoon. (with both hands), Cody and I are still at a loss as to whether or not she will be a righty like Cody or a lefty like me. I guess we will just have to wait a little longer. Oh well. The other is one of Ally's bad hair days. She has many. We think she so is adorable either way. She seems to have taken over my pregnancy pillow. She loves it. She can play with her toes and see what everyone around her is doing.


Pat said...

What a sweet heart. Her hair looks good no matter what. You are so lucky to get to style it everyday. I loved that when I could start fixing my kids hair each morning. It was one of the things I really looked forward to. If you get tired of feedin her cereral with a soon try mixing it with her bottle and cut a little hole in the end. They can get it down so fast. It took me until Cody to learn this and with three kids under three. i had to come up with something because Bret and Cody were still having cereal at night and in the morning. You have the time to enjoy it but sometimes it takes forever to get it down.I really enjoyed it with Kellie but she was a very fussy eater and we would spent hours trying to get her to eat anything. i might have had better luck with the bottle. Bret and Cody eyes would just water when I would give it to them.They loved it so much. It was a hard thing to give up. They would sleep so good with their tummys full of cereal. Love Pat

Kellie said...

I love her! You guys are too nice to your dogs. If that were Zoey up on my kitchen table - she'd be murdered :)

The BC Fam said...

Ha! I was thinking the same thing about Otis, Kellie!
Ally is so stinking cute! She's changing so much and so fast! Come visit again :)