Saturday, October 25, 2008

Weekend Activities.....YIKES!!!!!

Well, we have had a little too much fun this weekend. Ally decided she wanted to show off the fact that she could fit a whole Nilla Waffer in her mouth AND supervise mommas folding laundry abilities. I think she approved. Good thing the clothes were still warm from the dryer. I think she just wanted daddy to give her free rides around the house.
The past week Ally and I went shopping and I decided to finally buy a deep fryer, so we decided to break it in this weekend. We bought some veggies and shrimp and tempura batter and fried away. Needless to say we never intended on eating ALL that thighs and butt are thanking me for that.... we ate about 2-3 things just to taste and threw the rest away. BUT it was good and fun for us to try out. So needless to say we will probably be using the deep fryer once a year. It was fun though...... back to the diet... we are kind of relieved.


Pat said...

Kail, I got the wonderful pictures you sent. I already have two on the wall and three on the dining room table.That is the big ones and today while the football game was on i started ou to buy a picture album for the pictures. i have to addmit I got a little side tracked. You know how it is when the cats away the mice will plwy. I ended up at Krispy Kream donuts. We have some neighbors that are really having a hard time. I went in one house whe the back door was unlocked and left their donuts and of course I got in trouble. Blayne said I could get arrested for going in someones house without permission. Oh well I made a couple of deleveries and before I knew it the game was over and My family thought I was missing in action. Oh well that is my life always in trouble because I don't think things through. Cody knows how I am. I just think everyone would understand. WRONG.

Pat said...

Sorry about the spelling. I gures I should learn to proof read before I post. another one of my faults

Pat said...

That would be I guess

Kellie said...

Talk about a "Fry Daddy!" Are you guys still coming "trunk or treating" with us? Email me and we'll talk about the details. It starts at 6:00 but why don't you plan on being here around 5:30. That way we'll get a good spot :) Then we'll head to mom and dad's for pizza.

The BC Fam said...

Bret would be so excited about a deep fryer but my butt and thighs won't allow it! :)