Friday, October 31, 2008


I had these taken this past week as a surprise for Cody... How cute is she....
Our family ALL dressed up. Ally was of course the Sugar Plum Fairy "In Training" and I was suppose to be a Sugar Plum fairy...I guess and Cody is suppose to be a bad-ass with all his "tats" . I don't think he need a costume to prove that...
We did "Trunk-Or-Treat" with Kellie and her family and Brittany and her family. It was fun and amazingly relaxing. The above picture is of Brittany and her husband Jared and our cute little Tabbie. From the look on Brittany's face she was happy. I have to just say she has the most CONTAGIOUS laugh ever same with her big sis Kellie. I hear them laughing, even though I have no idea what for and I laugh. They really are wonderful sister-in-laws!!!!!! I am so lucky.
This one is of Kellie, Maddie and her friend and Cody and the boys. Kramer and Newman. We had to bring the whole family. I think they had fun with everyone. Needless to say they were so tired on the way home.
Ally and her new found friend...who happens to be her DARLING cousin Tabbie.
"Whasss a happin' hot stuff".(Hello Sixteen Candles), Cody's costume. I wanted him to wear just this but he was afraid "all" the women would be after him in just this. So he wore a T-shirt over it. Oh well...
Well we had fun this Halloween. It was Ally's first and we wanted to try to do everything. It was so nice to spend time with Cody's family. I was kind of like "oh this is what you do" the whole time. Happy Halloween to all of our friends and relatives. We are thinking of you and love you.


Kellie said...

We had so much fun with you guys coming down. We'll have to make it a tradition. I've got to win that Ally over somehow!!

Anonymous said...

Kali!! Ally's costume is so stinkin cute!! I love the pictures you had taken of her! It sounds like you guys had a great halloween!!